Emergency Medicine,Physician How to Move to Europe While Keeping Your U.S. Physician Position

How to Move to Europe While Keeping Your U.S. Physician Position

How to Move to Europe While Keeping Your U.S. Physician Position

# Relocating to Europe as a U.S. Doctor: An Unforgettable Experience

Have you thought about shaking up your daily routine and embarking on a whole new journey? If your life feels stale, your work is becoming monotonous, or burnout is starting to set in, then a daring shift might be just what you need.

But here’s the twist—you’re a doctor.

## Can a U.S. Doctor Actually Move to Europe?

The concept of moving to Europe while maintaining your medical practice in the U.S. might appear unrealistic, if not impossible. After all, how could you balance your hectic schedule, patient obligations, and financial responsibilities while residing abroad?

But I did it.

### A Journey Like No Other

I moved with my wife and three kids to Europe for over a year while still practicing emergency medicine in the United States.

It wasn’t straightforward. The logistical preparation was exhaustive and required several months of careful planning. Yet, despite the hurdles, the benefits of this journey far outweighed any obstacles.

Here’s what we gained from our time overseas:

– **An Exceptional Chance for Growth** – We escaped the ordinary and embraced a new lifestyle.
– **Visiting Iconic Landmarks** – Our move to Europe allowed us to explore some of the most renowned historical and cultural attractions in the world.
– **Cultural Immersion** – Discovering new customs, languages, and traditions broadened our family’s understanding of the world.
– **Culinary Discoveries** – Each location introduced us to delectable local dishes.
– **Memorable Family Experiences** – Traveling together as a family deepened our connections and provided lasting memories.
– **A Real-World Educational Opportunity for Our Kids** – Our children acquired new languages and engaged with cultures they could never fully experience in a classroom.

After this amazing experience, my only regret was—why didn’t I do it earlier?

## My Background and How This Worked

I am an emergency room physician who has been practicing in the private sector for a decade. Like numerous doctors, I underwent the rigorous process of undergraduate studies, medical school, and residency training. The stressful nature of my job had taken a toll, and I sought a way to harmonize my lucrative career with a rewarding personal life.

Instead of quitting my position, I created a customized work schedule that enabled me to keep earning a U.S. physician’s salary while living in Europe. This strategy allowed us to sustain our lifestyle while providing us with an incredible chance to live abroad.

## Burnout Among Physicians and the Urgency for Change

If my experience resonates with you, you’re certainly not alone. Many doctors feel entrapped in a continual work cycle, battling the stresses of electronic medical records, insurance complexities, demanding patients, and long hours. More than **half of U.S. doctors report feeling burned out**.

One of the most effective strategies to combat burnout? Change your surroundings. Embrace new challenges. Focus on your well-being.

That’s why I’m sharing my journey—I want to demonstrate that making a significant life transition is achievable.

## My Motivation for Sharing

I aspire to motivate other physicians to reconsider what’s feasible in their careers and personal lives. Perhaps moving abroad isn’t your goal, but you might contemplate other changes, such as:

– Volunteering with organizations like Doctors Without Borders
– Modifying your clinical practice to align with personal aspirations
– Pursuing a hobby or pursuing a second career
– Altering your work-life balance to prioritize what truly matters

Doctors frequently feel stuck in their routines, but there are ways to break free.

## Ready to Transform Your Medical Career?

In this blog series, I’ll detail how I turned my European relocation into a reality. You’ll discover everything from arranging your work schedule to managing logistics, such as:

– Deciding what to do with your home, vehicle, and personal possessions
– Navigating the visa process
– Finding a home to rent overseas
– Healthcare considerations
– Determining if you need a car
– Locating suitable schools for your children
– Travel logistics and tips

Each step of this endeavor came with its challenges, but ultimately, it was one of the **best decisions I’ve ever made**.

If you’re interested in making significant life changes—whether moving to Europe as a physician or simply enhancing your work-life balance—I encourage you to follow my journey as I share my insights.

### What’s Stopping You?

Doctors are frequently entrapped in a relentless work cycle, making it hard to explore alternative possibilities. But taking charge of your life and career is entirely attainable.

So, what would you change if you had the opportunity?

Let’s discuss it.

### About the Author

**Benjamin Stone, DO** is an emergency physician and serves as the Director of Physician Engagement at Contract Diagnostics.

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