Blog,Healthy Living “Body Neutrality: A Journey to Liberation from Value Placed on Looks”

“Body Neutrality: A Journey to Liberation from Value Placed on Looks”

"Body Neutrality: A Journey to Liberation from Value Placed on Looks"

# I Was 13 When I Embarked on My First Diet: A Path to Body Neutrality

## My Struggle with Body Image

Like many individuals, my battles with body image began at an early age. By the time I turned 13, I had already spent years obsessing over my weight and appearance. My self-esteem became tied to how I looked, influencing my clothing choices, demeanor, and even my overall life experiences. Instead of using clothing as a means of self-expression, it became a barrier, and my slumped shoulders were my way of concealing the parts of myself I loathed the most.

During my teenage years, I hit a tipping point. I was exhausted from feeling confined in my own body, worn out from believing that my weight hindered my happiness. So, I took the common route— I decided to go on a diet.

Initially, I felt victorious in my struggle. I engaged in excessive exercise, limited my food intake, and witnessed the numbers on the scale drop significantly. In just five months, I shed 60 pounds—one-third of my overall weight. Along with this change came the compliments I had yearned for. People praised my transformation, strengthening my belief that being thin meant being valuable and accepted.

However, as the clichéd tale typically unfolds, the weight returned. And with it came a more profound struggle—one that persisted for 15 years.

That is, until I found out about **body neutrality**.

## What Is Body Neutrality?

**Body neutrality is a mindset that highlights appreciating your body for its functionality and sensations, rather than fixating on its appearance.** In contrast to body positivity, which promotes loving your body no matter its shape or size, body neutrality shifts the focus to self-acceptance without the need to continually idealize your physical form.

Embracing body neutrality entails:
✅ Working out and eating nourishing food for energy and vitality—not merely for looks.
✅ Enjoying indulgent foods without shame, while acknowledging their impact on your health.
✅ Celebrating your personal style, but refusing to let body image govern your self-esteem.
✅ Recognizing that some days you may not fully embrace your body—but not allowing that to control your joy.

Body neutrality provided me with a fresh lens to view my own self-worth. Instead of perpetually pursuing an unattainable ideal, I began to ask myself new questions:

– *Do I truly want my self-esteem tied to my body size?*
– *Am I willing to keep repeating this cycle of dieting and self-inflicted punishment?*
– *What if I could learn to value myself for who I am, rather than how I look?*

## Everyone Can Gain from Body Neutrality

Though body neutrality is often linked to individuals in larger or marginalized bodies, it is advantageous for everyone— including those with “ideal” physiques.

Even those who enjoy privilege or affirmation for their looks might find their self-esteem reliant on adhering to certain beauty ideals. The pressure to uphold a standard of “perfection” can be draining.

Shifting to body neutrality doesn’t entail abandoning fitness objectives or certain healthful practices—it simply means reorienting the **motivation** behind those actions.

## The Power of “Meh”

One of the most vital lessons in body neutrality is that **it’s perfectly fine to feel “meh” about your body**.

As body-neutrality coach Jessi Kneeland articulated:
📌 *“The aim isn’t to love every inch of your body all the time. The aim is to reach a point where you don’t dwell on it so much.”*

This implies understanding that your body’s appearance doesn’t determine your day, your mood, or your value. You don’t have to resent your body, nor do you have to adore every aspect of it. You can simply… exist. And that’s *okay*.

For instance, I’m 5’9″. Would I love to be 6’2″? Certainly. However, my height is what it is, and it doesn’t hinder my ability to enjoy life. Body neutrality inspired me to apply that same viewpoint to my weight and appearance.

## Five Ways to Embrace Body Neutrality Today

If you’re ready to break free from the cycle of body obsession, here are five practical steps you can start today.

### 1. Stop Waiting—Pursue What You Love Now
Many individuals pause their lives, awaiting their “ideal” body before allowing themselves happiness. Yet, joy isn’t contingent on weight.

✔️ Love swimming? Hit the beach.
✔️ Eager to try a sport? Join a team.
✔️ Always dreamed of taking dance lessons? Sign up.

You *deserve* to fully engage in life, regardless of your size or shape.

### 2. Set Body-Neutral Goals
Rather than fixating on aesthetics-based fitness aims, redirect your focus to what your body **is capable of**.

This could involve:
🏋️ Enhancing strength—like achieving a new deadlift personal record.